CPTG 121 - Introduction to Computer Programming I


  1. Introduction to Computers, Programming, and C++ (1, 2)
  2. Outputs and Inputs (2.2, 2.3, 3.1)
  3. Variables and Data types (2.4 to 2.16)
  4. Assignments and expressions (2.12, 3.2)
  5. Problem Solving: Case Study (3.11)
  6. Built-in Library Functions (3.2, 3.9)
  7. Making decisions - if (4)

    Midterm 1

  8. Scope of Variables
  9. Loops - for
  10. Loops - while

    Midterm 2

  11. Arrays
  12. Functions
  13. Strings

Use this format to turn in all your programs.



Final Project

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